To the revolution of the proud Arab clans in the countryside of Deir ez-Zor

Our rebellious people in the proud countryside of Deir ez-Zor, you are the and crown of Arabs, who fought terrorism and extremism, stood up to ISIS and others like it and offered thousands of martyrs in order to expel this backward organization. You have long been patiently enduring the PKK’s slander against you and its false accusations hat you are an “incubator environment” for terrorism, and when it distorted your image before international diplomatic circles as a mere “population density” that you have no experience or competencies, and that you have no ability to manage your affairs.

       Nothing you have protested against is unclear, and nothing you have rejected is negotiable. You have refused to be treated like slaves and sheep by the foreign militia of the PKK, classified as a terrorist organization in the United States, the European Union, and most countries worldwide, including the countries participating in the international coalition to fight terrorism. .

       You have refused to have your children taught curricula alien to your culture, traditions, and customs. You have refused to have your oil wealth plundered by the leadership in “Qandil Mountain.” You have refused to be held hostage by the SDF, their ally Bashar al-Assad, and to be used as leverage against the international community under the pretext of fighting terrorism.

       It is high time for all this to come to an end. As SDF forces are besieging you, you are showing the world a fine national model that rejects chaos and denounces the strife between Syrian Arabs and Kurds. You are keen on linking Deir ez-Zor Governorate, both city and countryside, with the motherland of Syria, to the same degree that you reject the Assad regime and the Iranian militias supporting him.

       What the Syrians saw of your genuine determination and strong will during these days reflects your patriotism, your Arabism, and your great awareness of the demands of your people in Deir ez-Zor and all of Syria. All you are asking for is  to govern yourselves by yourselves. This in itself shows that you are under direct foreign occupation from “Havalat” brought from across the border, from the Kurds of Iran, Turkey and Iraq, to ​​rule you by force of arms.

       No one can take your rights away from you unless you consent , and only those who easily accept humiliation are humiliated; so stand firm on your just positions and demands, and commit yourselves to defending your political rights, just as your rifles defend you in the face of every oppressor in the battle field. We  are all behind you. And with us are all who are jealous of Arabism and dignity. We support you, back you, and explain your demands in international forums and in the most prominent global decision-making centers.

        Along with you, we call upon the United States, the leader of the international coalition, to reconsider its allies in Syria, to support the owners of the land, the ones that carry the social burden, and those deeply rooted in history. This lone guarantees strategic security and stability.

       Our people; what you are doing today is fighting a war of liberation with multiple forms, not just a passing round in which there is a victor and a loser and an immediate spoil, but rather with your wisdom, determination, and advanced vision, victory will be yours, God willing.

Executive Board of the

Arab Democratic Alliance

